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Competition Entry: Touch the Sky


Competition Scores

Competition category: Category B: For choruses, multiple voices per part
Entered By: mneller
Entrant name: Blue Sky Harmony
Number of distinct voice parts: 4
Number of singers: 14
Full names and voice parts of all singers: Maree Connors - Lead
Karen Magno - Baritone
Kate Cox - Baritone
Courtney Rankine - Lead
Michelle Neller - Tenor
Natalie Grimbas - Lead
Jessica Harriden - Bass
Katrina Black - Bass
Liliana Macarone - Bass
Mary Davies - Baritone
Ainslie Harvey - Bass
Susan Fogarty - Baritone
Julie Edwards - Tenor
Hayley Abell - Lead
Entry date: Fri, 20 Nov 2020