midnightflyer21 - member profile

Membership: Regular
Website: cfacacappella.com
Voice part(s): Bass
Chapter/chorus/choir: Town North Plano Men of Note
Quartet/quintet/etc: Pudding Scraps
City: Denton
State: TX
Country: United States of America

My Barbershop experience started 4 years ago when my choir director clumped me in with three other guys to compete in a UIL Solo and Ensemble contest. Since those first chords rang out, my love for Barbershop only grew. The four of us stayed together for awhile, making the quartet known as Verse-atility. Unable to keep the quartet together, we pursued Barbershop in our seperate ways. I recorded my first album with some Brbershop on it in 2013. Continally growing my music and audio repetoire, I mad the move from Denton to Garland. I had since already arranged a few songs for my quartet and was never really exposed to the full extent of the Barbershop Harmony Society. I wached video after video, listened to song after song, yet my thirst for those chords and harmonies never ceased. I was bursting at the seams with anticipation of finding a group I could sing with. Then I couldn't wait any longer. I found the nearest chorus and signed right up. Now, I still arrange and am finding the love and craft of Barbershop AND Tag writing to be the outlet for my meart.

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2 Favorites

Mourning Dew (Tenor Melody Version)
Riley and Bing Bong's Sing Along Song (Bass Hanger Version)