Competition Entry: Sunshine is Bidding the Day Goodbye


Competition Scores

Competition category: Category B: For choruses, multiple voices per part
Entered By: EmilyM
Entrant name: Geelong Harmony Chorus
Number of distinct voice parts: 4
Number of singers: 17
Full names and voice parts of all singers: Tenor - Carol Jager, Emily Edwards, Pam Brown, Laura Puddefoot
Lead - Michelle Roy, Lucy McNamara, AJ Jelley, Elaine Inkster
Bari - Petal O'Dell, Fiona Lorimer, Liz Sykes, Lyn Harty, Emily Moriarty
Bass - Louise Hunt, Cynthia Di Giorgio, Marg Edwards, Deb Elea
Entry date: Fri, 20 Nov 2020