I'm Into Something Good

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Date Posted: Sun, 13 May 2012
Posted By: Darwin Scheel | More from this user
Key written in: C Major
How many parts: 4
Type: Barbershop
Lyrics: Something tells me I'm into something good. I'm into something good.
Comments: My wife Nancy and I were at Starbucks and Nancy turned to me singing "Something tells me I'm into something good"; this was also the background music that was playing at Starbucks. I thought "what a great Tag this would make," familiar melody and lyrics, a catchy up-tune, and it would be a short Tag. After arranging the Tag, I taught the Tag at Bridge Town Sound Chorus Afterglow; we have one after every Tuesday rehearsal. The Tag turned out to be a hit.
This is a short Tag, the individual parts are simple and easy to teach, and it's a cool/fun Tag to sing!

Tag Teaching Guidelines
1. And the words are… "Something tells me I'm into something good. I'm into something good.
2. This Tag is in the key of C and all parts start on a unison octave on the fifth scale G; Lead, Bari, and Bass on the lower G and the Tenor an octave above.
3. Thoroughly learn the individual parts on your own and when teaching this Tag, start with the lead part first until it is learned. Then teach the Bass part next with the Lead part softly singing along with the Bass part. After the Bass part has been learned, teach the Bari part with the Lead and Bass softly sing with the Bari part. Then teach the Tenor part with the Lead, Bass, and Bari softly singing along with the Tenor part. This teaching/learning process allows the parts to rehearse their part and remember it while other parts are being taught.
4. Know the sound of each individual chord in the Tag being taught; knowing when a chord is incorrect can be helpful in identifying appropriate part corrections. Learn the sound of each chord by playing the chords on a piano or listening MP3 recording of the Tag.
5. The Lead and Bass are singing an octave on the first words "I'm In -to". The Lead and Bass sing a unison note on the first word "some - thing". When the harmony parts repeat the words "I'm into something good" during the Lead post, he hamony parts start a unison key note C, the same note as the Lead post. When teaching the Bari part, it is helpful to note that the first words "I'm In -to" are on the key note C and on the repeat of the words "I'm In -to", the Bari sings the same key note C, the same pitch of the Lead post. Be sure that the Tenor sings a flat seven on the penultimate note; the natural tendency is to sing the major seven.
6. Start the Tag singing session with a simpler easy Tag before teaching "I'm Into Something Good or when inviting another singer to sing this Tag with unknown singing abilities. Result: Instant chords sung with a successful and fulfilling outcome for all singers and listeners.
The complete Barbershop Tag Teaching Guidelines can be found at the link: http://www.barbershoptags.com/images/Barbershop_Tag_Teaching_Guidelines--Men.pdf

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Darwin Scheel
Year: 2012

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Darwin Scheel
