If I Never Knew You
Shortened and Altered Version (aka "Pocahontas")
Rating: 3.4/5
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Date Posted: | Wed, 20 Jun 2012 |
Posted By: | pdpaddoc | More from this user |
Key written in: | G Major |
How many parts: | 4 |
Type: | Barbershop |
Lyrics: | I'd be lost forever if I never knew you |
Comments: | Takes off of the Pocahontas tune. This uses the same tenor part for the first half and essentially does not have the hanger at the end. The baritone part is tricky; really listen to the other parts and cling when necessary. Bouncing E-Eb's are prevalent. My latest tweak involves the leads going down a 5th on "knew" Be careful on the C/G chord on the first "-er" |
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Each recording below is part predominant - one part louder, other parts quieter.
Paul Paddock
Year: 2012
Purchase this arrangement here
Made famous by
Eric Klack
Year: unknown
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