It Is Well With My Soul

David Phelps/Tenor Melody Version

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Date Posted: Tue, 26 Feb 2013
Posted By: SJCarlson | More from this user
Key written in: C Major
How many parts: 4
Type: Other male
Lyrics: And Lord haste the day when my faith shall be sight, the clouds to be rolled back as a scroll. And the trumpets shall sound, and the Lord shall descend: even so, it is well with my soul (it is well with my soul).
Comments: Rhett and I had been discussing some collaboration and I was playing with the idea of arranging a tag for this beautiful song as heard from The Gaither group and David Phelps (long may he tenor). So I put the arrangement together in the next few days, and Rhett and I got right to it.

I'm really honored to have worked with Rhett, he's one heck of a musician. Looking forward to working more with him in the future. ;)

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Sheet Music:


Stephan Carlson
Year: 2013

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